by Sarah Reiff-Hekking | Jul 27, 2021 | Best Life, Goals, Planning, Preparation, Productivity, Time Management, Work-Life Balance
In some ways, this fall might be a bigger adjustment than last fall was. By last fall, we had pretty much gotten down the quarantine routine. It was terrible, but it wasn’t new; we had six months of lockdown experience under our belts at that point. By the time...
by Sarah Reiff-Hekking | Jul 14, 2021 | Best Life, Goals, Planning, Preparation, Resolutions, Success, Work-Life Balance
At the height of summer, thinking about the depths of winter might be the last thing you want to do. Who wants to think about January time management while they’re floating in a pool or eating ice cream at a baseball game? I get it! I think we’ve all been...