by Sarah Reiff-Hekking | Aug 29, 2020 | Best Life, Blog, Goals, Health, Mental Health, Planning, Preparation, Productivity, Success, Time Management, wellness, Work-Life Balance
When the world feels unpredictable, it can be helpful to look to the things we can always count on. The first moments of a summer vacation or long holiday weekend will always be blissful. The last night before it’s time to go back to work or...
by Sarah Reiff-Hekking | Aug 14, 2020 | Best Life, Blog, Goals, Health, Mental Health, Planning, Preparation, Productivity, Success, Time Management, wellness, Work-Life Balance
Outside of vacation time, an “easy week” is a rare thing for a lot of busy professionals. Even if things are relatively quiet at work, there’s always something stressful going on at home or with your family. A busy/push week that leaves you little...
by Sarah Reiff-Hekking | Jul 29, 2020 | Best Life, Blog, Goals, Health, Mental Health, Planning, Preparation, Productivity, Success, Time Management, wellness, Work-Life Balance
Listen, sun protection is really important. Mark Zuckerberg recently got a lot of attention, and instantly became a meme, when he was photographed with a comically thick layer of white sunscreen on his face. The Internet laughed, but surely his dermatologist was...
by Sarah Reiff-Hekking | Jul 13, 2020 | Blog, Goals, Planning, Preparation, Productivity, Success, Time Management, Work-Life Balance
A little unpredictability can be a good thing. Not knowing exactly what will happen next keeps life interesting. At least, that seemed true before this year. Before everything turned upside down. Before schools closed and camps were canceled. Before simple...